A successful
demo day has been organized in Ljubliana, Slovenia, on 14th May , aiming to
promote and demonstrate dBTechnologies active speakers features to Slovenian dB
Technologies users and partners.
During the event, organized by E.DEN Elektronica Installation company,
dBTechnologies product specialist team focused especially on the DVA line array
family: the visitors could listen and check in first person DVA T12, DVA T8,
DVA Subs family as well as small line array system DVA MINI ( comprised of
dedicated sub DVA MS12) and DVX stage monitor series. Marco Cantalù and Andrea
Brasolin also held a special training introducing the audience to software DVA
NETWORK especially designed to connect and control remotely DVA systems from a
personal computer.
The attendance, the interest and the enthusiasm
gathered during the event has been very positive, making it interesting for the
future to hold similar events on a
regular basis.