upgrades DVX DMTH stage monitor series
series is the most recent dBTechnologies release in matters of professional
stage monitors.
to Digipro® amp technology, designed and manufactured by dBTechnologies, neodymium components, newly designed phase
plugs guaranteeing high intelligibility, a rotatable frontal panel allowing to
change the internal disposition of the acoustic components and preset EQs, DVX DM TH series caters to the
needs of the most demanding stage professionals.
dBTechnologies decides to reach the next level by upgrading the whole
In fact, the entire
signal processing has been implemented with finite response filters, also known
as FIR filters, allowing a way better phase coherence than traditional IIR
Indeed, the
application of a FIR filter enables a consistent variation in frequency
response without relevant phase shifts. This way, FIR filters turns out to be
very useful, especially when used to crossover two different transducers in a
typical two-way system.
Thanks to this signal
processing with FIR filters, DVX DM TH stage
monitors feature a very linear phase emission in the most critical point, allowing
both enhanced intelligibility of the whole vocal range and a much more
consistent coverage.
What is more, thanks to this considerable increment of presence in the
vocal range, it has been possible to compensate and characterize also the very
bottom and the top end of the box, achieving a very well balanced overall
As a
result, the combination of DVX DM TH innovative design plus the upgraded signal
processing provide musicians and stage engineers with excellent acoustic
responses in all conditions, even on the
most demanding and loud stages.
from June 2015 the new upgraded version of DVX DM TH stage monitors will be
available without any price variation.
all DVX DM TH users could add FIR Filters to their stage monitors simply by
upgrading the firmware by substituting EEPROM.
DM TH user interested in upgrading their system can receive upgraded EEPROMS by
contacting their local distributors or assistance.