Sound provider Sonido Fusion was in charge of audio equipement for Argentina tour of the uruguayan rock band No Te Va Gustar. one of the most acclaimed south american bands presently touring Europe and US,
Sonido Fusion trusted high standard performances and sturdiness of dBTechnologies DVA line array systems, choosing DVA T12 and DVA subs for all the shows of the tour. Here's the details of the system's configuration for each venue.
9-10 May Estadio Rucaché Neuquén: 24 line array modules DVA T12 + 8 Subwoofers DVA S1518N flown in a LEFT RIGHT configuration ; 12 Subwoofers DVA S1521N with endfire configuration (3 lines of 2 boxes each) )
15 Mayo Estadio Aurinegro de Puerto Madryn: 16 DVA T12 LEFT RIGHT + 8 DVA T 12 Delay; 12 Subwoofers DVA S 1521N endfire (3 lines of 2 boxes each)
16 May Predio Ferial de Comodoro Rivadavía :24 DVA T12 + 8 Subwoofers DVA S1518N flown LEFT RIGHT ; 12 Subwoofers DVA S1521N endfire (3 lines of 2 boxes each)
18 May Estadio Boxing Club de Río Gallegos: 18 DVA T12 + 8 Subwoofers DVA S1518N flown LEFT RIGHT + 14 DVA T 12 Outfill + 12 Subwoofers DVA S1521N endfire (3 lines of 2 boxes each)
20 May Gimnasio Don Bosco en Río Grande: 18 DVA T12 LEFT RIGHT, 12 Subwoofers DVA S1521N 3 lines of 2 boxes each
The equipment was controlled through DVA NETWORK thanks to Control 8 and Control 2 with AC26N processors.
Thanks to dBTechnologies Argentina.