The VIO L210 line array system was chosen for the long tour of the two most famous comedians of Italian TV: with a 2018/2019 season of 120 sold-out dates, The Massimo Lopez and Tullio Solenghi’s Show seems to never drop off the curtain, thanks to the enthusiastic responds of the audience. Alberto Gallo, Head of Audio and FOH engineer at Digital Lake Studio (Verbania), talks about his experience with the dBTechnologies’ system.
An immense space where hundreds of laughs resonate loudly, attentive eyes and wide open mouths, a stage finely set up with carefully designed and attractive scenery and two unmistakable silhouettes: this is the overall image that strikes the viewer of the show signed by Massimo Lopez and Tullio Solenghi, the duo of actors, comedians, singers, presenters, performers...friends most famous of the recent Italian television and theatre history.
After 15 years, the project brings on stage the "terrible couple of comedy" to reunite the talents and create a world of gags and great music: this time the sounds of the quintet Jazz Company directed by Gabriele Coneglio channel all the energy and free the confidential soul of the show, that is a constituting allure of the mise en scène alongside the famous workhorses that ranging from the irreverent imitations of famous characters.
The VIO L210 line array system, together with the VIO S118R subwoofer, was chosen as PA for the numerous venues that will be touring throughout the year and beyond; the choice of a VIO Series’ system was carefully considered according to the locations involved for the show.
Alberto Gallo, audio tour manager and FOH engineer at Digital Lake Studio (VB), clearly explained the needs of the show and what features were found in the dBTechnologies audio system, which fully met expectations: "We heard the VIO L208 at the Rimini Show (MIR) and realized that it was the solution we were looking for its detailed and intelligible performance. Then we opted for the VIO L210, whose potentialities are managed with configurations calibrated on the venue extension and stalls positioning and structure".
The show and the system have been working together since 2018, in fact, as Gallo says: "The project started in the 2017-2018 season, but we realized that in the larger places we were rather 'pulled' with the system we used then. In addition, we received requests for the 2018-19 theaters season, during which we would have to cover ever larger locations: 35, 40 in some cases 50 metres deep in the stalls. We needed a PA that would support such large theaters well, not so much in terms of sound pressure, but in terms of quality and detail".
But there's more: the presence of a live band and the delicacy of some narrative and recitative passages, impose a treatment of the sound that is decisive and at the same time delicate, incisive but respectful of the refinement of the show, which does not seek the laughter unsheathed, but the one that finds the comedy in the small and big things of life, an elegant laughter that comes from the mediation between the real and the imagined imaginary; in this regard Alberto Gallo specifies: "This production is both a theatre performance and a jazz concert, so the system must render the refinement of the sound and the nuances of speech. It is a confidential show: comical, ironic, but always elegant, never 'shouted'". The FOH engineer concludes by saying: "The famous Lopez and Solenghi’s imitations play a fundamental part and you have to make them go faithfully to the bottom of the room. In a short, we needed a first class system”.
From north to south, from east to west, Italy acclaims Massimo Lopez & Tullio Solenghi and the sold-outs are a guarantee, so much so as to convince the IMARTS Media (Carpi) production to plan other 30 dates for 2020.
What does this mean?
A show by Massimo Lopez and Tullio Solenghi means the experience in giving a thousand different emotions and what is certain is that between stage and audience and even beyond the curtain, what remains unchanged is sincerity and passion, and the public knows it.
The Tour will involved a total of:
12 VIO L210 + 4 VIO S118