VIO Series is ready to sound the summer 2019 with a rich calendar of participation including: festivals, live concerts, exclusive evenings, leading artists and prestigious venues. dBTechnologies is present with its best sound systems reinforcement in some of the most renowned Italian and international happenings.
Stay tuned!
Here are the next “save the date”:
ATENEIKA FESTIVAL (Cagliari • from May 31 to June 9)
Ten evenings of live music and numerous events await one of the most beautiful islands in Italy: a winning collection of the most prominent names on the Italian music scene and many international surprises.
Service: Scenotecnica s.r.l.
PA: VIO L212
EX-BASE NATO (Naples • June 6 - June 28 - July 19 - July 23)
The base is renewed and now becomes a cradle of music: VIO is PA for Luché, Calcutta, Gazzelle, Carl Brave.
Service: L'Altroservice
PA: VIO L212
ARENA FLEGREA (Naples • from May 19)
VIO L212 is PA for the entire exciting season of Arena Flegrea, the most exclusive and prestigious venue in southern Italy. Highly anticipated: Skunk Anansie, Subsonica, Salmo, Ghemon, Ludovico Einaudi and many others.
Service: L'Altroservice
PA: VIO L212
FLOWERS FESTIVAL (Turin • from June 27 to July 20)
On the outskirts of Turin among flowers and live performances by the trendiest artists of the year: Ex-Otago, Chinese Man, Jack Savoretti, Rancore, Yann Tiersen, Ezio Bosso, Motta, Capoplaza, The Zen Circus.
Service: Microfase
PA: VIO L212
MAMAMIA FESTIVAL SUMMER 2K19 (Senigallia • from June 15 to August 10)
From one of the most prominent alternative clubs in Italy, here is the summer mood: a rich calendar to fully embrace the magic of summer accompanied by music. Rhkomi, Luché, Gazzelle and other protagonists, but also many theme-parties, conventions and initiatives.
Service: Franz AVL Rent
PA: VIO L212
ARTICO FESTIVAL (Bra-CN • June 21-22)
Live music and dj-set: a great party of music and good food in one of the most crowded areas frequented by music-lovers. VIO L208 is ready to support all the initiatives promoted by the Arctic Festival.
Service: Microfase
PA: VIO L208
TODAYS FESTIVAL (Turin • August 23-24-25)
International and multifaceted: the festival that hosts Hozier is ready to receive thousands of people and turn on the last days of the most fiery month of the year.
Service: Microfase
PA: VIO L212
OLTRE FESTIVAL (Bologna • July from 3 to 7)
An invitation to spend five energetic days just outside the ancient perimeter of the historic center of Bologna, five days of music with the most representative names of the Italian scene.
Service: Radio Sata
PA: VIO L212
APOLIDE FESTIVAL (Turin • from July 19 to 21)
Miss Keta, Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti, Franco 126, Giorgio Poi for a very Italian festival with an international scope, where music and nature meet in a serene and energetic embrace.
Service: Microphase
PA: VIO L212