
850th Annyversary of Melle (Germany)



Artist: Various

Venue: Outdoor

"For us, the VIO system was the right cutlery for a concert of this size. The system has proven its very good acoustic performance in the last months. The interaction in the VIO Rental Network worked absolutely smoothly. That's how it has to be when you have overall technical responsibility. Both the artists and the organisers were very satisfied with the overall result"

Carsten Müller [Managing Director of Professional Event Solutions GmbH]


If an anniversary is already announced as "extraordinary", you can, of course, expect something special. This is exactly what the city of Melle in Lower Saxony has recently achieved. A unique festive programme, which was set up on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the city under the motto "yesterday - today - tomorrow", was something special and peppered with real highlights.

A real highlight of the anniversary celebrations was the band "Glasperlenspiel" performing on the festival stage on Saturday evening. Over 6,000 visitors attended the free concert of the German electro-pop band playing on the big stage. Also present was the new VIO system from dBTechnologies.

Technical service provider Professional Event Solutions used VIO for the excellent tone at the concert. As main-PA 18 VIO L212 (9 per side) tops with 18 VIO S218 subs were used in cooperation with partners from the VIO Rental Network. The setup was supplemented by 16 VIO L208 (8 per side) as out fill and 8 VIO L208 as near fill.

"For us, the VIO system was the right cutlery for a concert of this size. The system has proven its very good acoustic performance in the last months. The interaction in the VIO Rental Network worked absolutely smoothly. That's how it has to be when you have overall technical responsibility," says Carsten Müller, Managing Director of Professional Event Solutions GmbH.
And he adds with a smile, "Both the artists and the organisers were very satisfied with the overall result. And so were we".