

Civitanova Marche


Artist: Various DJs

Venue: Outdoor


VIO L212 was definitively the right choice to sound out the largest happening of the summer 2019 in Civitanova Marche.
Deejay Time 2019 is an epoch-making event gathering a stainless quartet, an appointment that 18,000 didn't want to miss at all...
Albertino, Fargetta, Molella and Prezioso are together for one night and it is to make the square explode between colors, heavy rhythms, scratching, explicit, cheerful and energetic vibrations, a sound mirror from which to draw and reflect energy for the people who dare to dance until dawn.
Piazza XX Settembre in its wide extensions hosted the event with the artistic joint venture of the 4 unforgettable DJs, icons that narrated trends and lifestyles giving a soundtrack to the nightlife for decades and marking the lives of more than one generation of dance music lovers.

The professionals of END SERVICE - A.S.C.G. Group have chosen the power, the quality and the remarkable capacity of acoustic coverage offered by the performance of the great dBTechnologies VIO, creating a configuration calibrated to the needs of an event characterized by the great determination of sounds and the vastness of the chosen venue.
8+8 VIO L212 + 16 VIO S218
Down fill: 3 + 3 VIO L210
Front fill: 8 VIO L210

The PA has collected full satisfaction from the professionals in charge of the event and enthusiastic opinions from the artists themselves, who have repeatedly highlighted the great performance of the system.