VIO L212 takes part in the most important festival of San Pedro Sula City.
VIO Series systems featuring the great coloured stage of Plaza Juliana 2019 one of the biggest and funniest annual traditional celebration.
From June 12 to June 29 los Sanpedranos joined many different activities mixing tipical food, music, theme parties and much more for a project that wants to be an occasion of 360° entertainment concept.
Pro504 - brand new VIO L212 enthusiastic user - was the professional team in charge of the festival supporting the sound with a PA consisting of:
16 VIO L212 (8 per side) + 6 VIO L210 (3 per side) and 12 VIO S218 as the perfect complements for the lower frequencies.
A unique atmosphere to celebrate the summer season between sceneries that evoke the world of fantasy and the symbols of an imaginary strictly linked to tradition; the happening also offered a rich line up full of many famous artists who entertained the local attendees and all those who were visiting one of the most important and dynamic cities of Honduras.