
Todays Festival 2024

Turin, Italy


Artiste: various

Lieu: outdoor

A new edition of the Turin Festival brought famous stars and novelties with a genre-mixed line-up.
The PA for TF 2024 was supported by the ATS Service team, with a Main made by 32 VIO L212 system modules.
Specifically, the configuration of units for the Massive Attack live show was designed as follows:

Subs: 24 VIO S218 in end fire/arc array configuration
Frontfills: 6 VIO L1610s
Outfills: 8 VIO L208 (4 on each side)

With a massive effort to harmonize music and visions about the world, Massive Attack's final act at TOday's festival was a moment to remember; the Bristol-borne band graced the last date of the Turin festival, leveraging the power of music within a complex, content-rich storytelling process.
Sound, imagination and a deep-rooted identity were the ingredients of this musical experience, along with permeating visuals whose task was to translate and convey powerful messages; the story's contents were so immense as to almost frighten, a sign that music and art can still reason about the world's "chief systems" and show their full complexity.