Infocomm is the most important Professional Audio tradeshow in North America. dBTechnologies’ booth will showcase the best of its professional production as well as its newest creations from June 17th-19th.
Recently launched ES 503 Entertainment System will be showcased at booth 1167 and at N102A demo room.
During the show dBTechnologies will also present the new version of professional stage monitor series DVX DMTH, upgraded with FIR filters, as well as other 2015 news and dBTechnologies topsellers:
INGENIA series, which will be launched later this year
LVX professional active speaker series, now in shipment
SUB H subwoofer series
DVA professional line array series
Mini line array system DVA M2M+M2S (DVA MINI)
DVX active speaker series
MINIBOX active speakers topseller L160D and brand new L80D.
During the show, product specialist team will showcase at DEMO room 16-17 from 11 am to 3 pm: get the chance to listen to new ES503 Entertainment system, recently upgraded DVX DMTH professional stage monitors, DVA MINI small line array system completed by SUB 15 H subwoofers, and a DVA T8 system completed by DVA 1518 Subwoofers.
Visit us at:
Orlando, FLORIDA
June 17-19, 2015
BOOTH: 1167