Oltre Festival 2019 is a new and unique initiative the suburban area of Bologna, place that has been recognized for decades as the nerve center of youth trends thanks to associations, centers and initiatives of aggregation in the field of performing arts; the festival brings to the stage the newest faces of Italian music, ranging from emerging artists to the most accredited ones that continue to fill the most famous venues in the country.
The acoustic project that has been chosen to support the sound has a configuration entirely consisting of VIO Series systems, which is able to express its potential for outdoor touring in the wide location of Parco delle caserme rosse; Radio Sata service, professional team in charge of the event, has provided 24 VIO L212 (12 per side), 16 VIO S218 dedicated to the public address of low frequencies and 5 elements of the VIO L210 system, used as front fill for the main stage.
The first evening opened with the shows of Rkhomi, Ernia and Speranza, reached by thousands of people; at the disposal of the next rich lineup also a double stage equipped with PA VIO L208 and VIO S118. All the artists who will animate the stage of Oltre Festival in the next weeks are very expected and loved by Italian audience: Motta, Franco 126, Bowland, Murubutu, Giorgio Canali, Clavdio, Massimo Pericolo and many others.
A festival born as an exploration that digs into the narrow border that separates music, society, pop and alternative culture: beyond the single musical genre, beyond the most recognizable moods, beyond the traditional sounds, beyond the trends... and then embrace and enclose them all in a single large venue.