
Caparezza Prisoner 709 Tour

Multiple cities


Artist: Caparezza

Venue: Multiple

"The system features a very precise sound, very sharp, and the phase response is pretty linear. And these features, for a sound engineer, mean a better perception of reverberations, volume and depth of the sound. VIO L212 is the best system we've used so far for any of Caparezza’s live shows"
Antonio Porcelli [Caparezza FOH Engineer]


The new full-scale line array VIO L212 by dBTechnologies was the main PA for the outdoor tour of Italian rap artist Caparezza.

The tour included many Italian cities and the main festivals of the season between June and September 2018.

Caparezza (southern Italian slang for “Curly Head”) is a rapper whose music is predominately described as hip hop, but his unique sound draws influences from genres such as metal, rock and pop. To date, he has released 8 studio albums which have been awarded with 2 golden records and 3 platinum records, and sold more than 125,000 tickets for his indoor tour this year. His latest studio work “Prisoner 709” was a huge success on main national radio stations.

The show's production toured with a total amount of 40 VIO L212, 24 active subwoofer VIO S218 and 12 VIO L210 used as a front-fill. The PA configuration has been adapted to the dimensions and characteristics of the different venues.

The standard configuration was normally 16 tops per side with 24 subs and 8 VIO L210 used as frontfill. The VIO S218 subs were configured as arc in stacks of 3 subs each, with the central cabinet in reverse mode in order to create a cardioid pattern, in order to obtain the maximun cancellation on the stage, and a precise and steady sound towards the audience.